Hello Lovelies,

So you know when you see a pimple, think its ready to pop. Attack it, and create a crater in your face? Yea…thats me right now. Argh…will spare you an image, and happy to report the ladies of The Beautyhood have been generous with their advice, which is below amongst other highlights from our ever growing and amazingly interactive community:

  1. Adult acne? No problem, apply Acanya Yonka Pure Emulsion, or Beautycounter’s charcoal mask, as soon as you feel it coming on, and DO NOT SQUEEZE!!! However if you have to, apply Cicalfate b Avene, twice a day.
  2. Gray hair don’t care! Or at least you won’t when you use touch up products by: Color Wow, Madison Reed, and fave hair brand, Oribe!
  3. On Feb 2 we will be hosting our first FB live event with anti aging specialists, Youth Corridor by Dr Imber. Members have been curious about the Myriad of anti aging options open to them, from microneedling, to laser and injectables. Watch this space for a roundup of all the insights we learn from this event!

Our Surprising Suggestion

Use a dab of WASABI!!! As in the green stuff you mix into your soy sauce when eating sushi…as a spot treatment for a developing pimple…anyone want to try that one?

Hope you enjoyed this glimpse into all that is The Beautyhood community, and if this leaves you wanting more, come join the fun on Facebook  and Instagram  .