Your wardrobe is a huge part of how people perceive you.  So how do you create a wardrobe that represents your personal style.

The first step in creating a stylish wardrobe is obtaining the wardrobe staples. These are the basic pieces that will be able to mix and match and go with more personal and trendy items.  Things such as a black blazer, black pants, day jeans, night jeans, white button down, white tee shirt, black pumps etc…Once you have most of the staple items you need to establish what looks best on your body.  What areas of the body do we want to accentuate and what areas do you want to minimize.   Most of the time I find that clients don’t even know what looks best on them.  I’ll show them a different cut or fit than they would normally choose and it ends up being something they love and is the most flattering fit for them.  Its also important to make sure clothes fit correctly, they are not too big, small or too long or short. When clothes fit properly they automatically look more expensive.

After determining the cut and fit that look best, we need to determine what clothes are most functional and practical for your lifestyle.  For instance you are not going to wear stilettos to take your kids to the park, so instead you would shop for some cute walkable and comfy shoes like sneakers or a ballet flat.   If your heading to the office you would shop for more sophisticated shoes.

Now the fun begins and you can start shopping. You walk into a department store and you are staring at 100’s of designers and brands which is completely overwhelming., How do you know what your look and style are.  Are you conservative, funky, super feminine etc. My suggestion is Imitate Imitate Imitate. Whether it is a family member or celebrity who’s style you admire, or even a catalogue from a certain store, this is a great guide to help you shop.

But your not finished yet…After you have your closet filled with clothes you need to make sure that you actually wear them and don’t reach for the usual suspects.  How is this going to happen, well Its simple, you need to plan ahead. Pick out your outfit the night before so when your alarm goes off and time is limited, the one thing that’s done is your outfit and you walk out the door looking and feeling stylish and super fabulous.

Happy Shopping!